INSECURE - Sure To Be A Hit
Issa and Molly are two hilarious women. This NEW comedy show / series, Insecure, created by Issa Rae and Larry Wilmore (The Daily Show With John Stewart), premiered on HBO this month. The first episode aired on October 9th and I couldn't "record series" fast enough. It's the new Girls, but with relatable, likable, non-annoying characters. It's about two almost thirty year old women, who are living in Los Angeles and dealing with their life choices, issues, work and relationships. It's laugh out loud funny and of course there's the shock factor, that shows can't seem to have enough of lately. GOT set the bar high with their sex scenes, now any new shows seem to want to out do it, Westworld (another new goody) is doing a good job of it. Breaking Bad's shock value was in the writing, as with Insecure. The slang talk, awkward humor and a look into a lifestyle we don't see too much of on television, that in some scenes will leave you in awe, are overall very funny. If you're looking for new shows, this is one I recommend adding to your list (because I'm the guru of television watching)...
Issa Rae of Insecure
Nail Polish (ft. on show) - Sophie Beem
#Insecure #HBO #IssaRae
#Insecure #HBO #IssaRae