Earth's Twin Planet Discovered

According to every major news outlet, Earth's twin planet has been discovered. It's just on the other side of the Sun. Astronomers have not been able to detect it until now, because it's been rotating around the Sun in an unusual pattern. The NASA satellite 8453MTP discovered it a few hours ago.  Finally, I knew there had to be one out there somewhere.

NASA Engineers couldn't believe the images the satellite was sending them. Evidently, the planet has an atmosphere, running water and life. The life forms are hard to tell as of right now; however, they're speculating the beings look like dinosaurs did one hundred million years ago.

Does this mean there is a new planet we can move to? I guess we need one, this one is getting pretty beat up. There's a giant hole in the ozone layer, a gap in the polar vortex and sea levels are rising at rapid speeds, due to melting of the polar ice caps.

Thank goodness we found this new planet. Don't go packing your bags just yet though. I wouldn't want to share a beach with T-Rex, let them figure that part out first. In the meantime, we're stuck here on Earth. By the way, April Fool's!

p.s. If you believed this story, I have an amazing, well-priced piece of land to talk to you about in the Everglades. Seriously though, check this out: Save the Environment at Home.


Yeah, no way I want to hang out with this guy



Fabiola Conrado

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